our emphasis
Our increasingly secular culture would have us believe that God does not exist, that God is a mysterious and unknowable being, that God is a nebulous aura or impersonal force, or that we are ourselves gods. But we understand from recorded Scripture that God is real and that He desires a meaningful relationship with each one of us…and that’s where His Son, Jesus, comes into the picture.
Jesus Christ is documented to be the most significant person in human history. More songs have been sung about Him, more artwork has been created about Him, and more books have been written about Him than any other person from all time. Even our calendars hinge on His life, dividing time both before Him (BC) and after Him (AD).
Jesus was unique because He was a man who both claimed and then demonstrated Himself to be God. The fact Jesus was both human (man) and divine (God) enabled Him to be like everyone else but different from everyone else. Different from everyone else because He never actually sinned and that sinlessness qualified Him to become the Savior. Jesus then voluntarily sacrificed Himself on the cross for the sins of humankind meaning that God the Father punished His son, Jesus for our sins so we would not have to be punished for those sins ourselves. Jesus died, was buried and was then resurrected from the dead, and through trusting Jesus for our salvation we can have immediate forgiveness from past, present, and even future sins and experience a better quality of life than is possible to ever have apart from Him.
Because of that exciting truth, everything we do at Shadow Mountain Church is Jesus-centric. If it’s a Sunday morning worship service, a mid-week small group, a community service project, a wedding ceremony, or a children’s Vacation Bible School, etc. we’d still like to think it’s all about Jesus Christ.
Do visit us sometime at Shadow Mountain and learn more about this man called Jesus, who is changing people from the inside out!